

功能故障(Functional failure)
电气故障(Electrical failure)
外观缺陷(Cosmetic defect)
色差(Color variation)
异常噪音(Abnormal noise)
不正常发热(Abnormal heat generation)
零件缺失(Missing parts)
操作不流畅(Operational difficulty)
遥控器功能异常(Remote control malfunction)
显示屏问题(Display screen issues)
按键失灵(Key failure)
电源问题(Power supply issues)
电池寿命短(Short battery life)
信号接收问题(Signal reception problems)
连接问题(Connection issues)
故障代码显示(Error code display)
漏电(Electric leakage)
短路(Short circuit)
内部部件松动(Loose internal components)
系统崩溃(System crash)
无法开机(Unable to power on)
触摸屏失灵(Touch screen failure)
电源线断裂(Power cord breakage)
内存故障(Memory failure)
运行速度缓慢(Slow operation speed)
无法连接网络(Unable to connect to the network)
USB接口不工作(USB interface not working)
声音失真(Sound distortion)
水箱漏水(Water tank leakage)
温度控制失效(Temperature control failure)
遥控器信号不稳定(Remote control signal instability)
洗衣机漏水(Washing machine water leakage)
无法排水(Unable to drain)
洗涤效果差(Poor washing effect)
烘干功能不正常(Malfunctioning dryer function)
微波炉加热不均匀(Uneven microwave heating)
冷冻功能失效(Freezing function failure)
烤箱温度不准确(Inaccurate oven temperature)
热水器加热缓慢(Slow water heater heating)
咖啡机无法冲泡(Coffee machine unable to brew)
电视屏幕出现亮点(TV screen has bright spots)
抽油烟机噪音过大(Exhaust hood noise is too loud)
空调制冷效果差(Air conditioner cooling effect is poor)
空调出风口堵塞(Air conditioner air outlet is blocked)
冰箱制冷不足(Refrigerator cooling is insufficient)
热水器水温不稳定(Water heater water temperature instability)
吸尘器吸力不强(Vacuum cleaner suction power is weak)
蓝光播放器无法读取碟片(Blu-ray player unable to read discs)
音响声音杂音严重(Audio system has severe noise)
电饭煲内胆粘底(Rice cooker inner pot sticking to the bottom)
消毒柜无法加热(Sterilizer unable to heat)
燃气灶点火不畅(Gas stove ignition is not smooth)
电磁炉无法正常启动(Induction cooker unable to start normally)
电动牙刷无法充电(Electric toothbrush unable to charge)
榨汁机渗漏(Juicer leakage)
电动工具电池寿命短(Power tools have short battery life)
蓝牙耳机无法连接(Bluetooth headphones unable to connect)
搅拌机转速过慢(Blender speed is too slow)
洗碗机无法正常排水(Dishwasher unable to drain properly)
蒸汽熨斗漏水(Steam iron leaking)
音频输入输出问题(Audio input/output issues)
电子锁无法解锁(Electronic lock unable to unlock)
电热毯发热不均匀(Electric blanket heating unevenly)
电动窗帘无法升降(Motorized curtains unable to raise or lower)
摄像头画面模糊(Camera image is blurry)
扫地机器人随机行走(Robotic vacuum cleaner moves randomly)
油烟机抽力不够(Range hood extraction power is insufficient)
烤面包机无法加热(Toaster unable to heat)
电视遥控器无法操作(TV remote control unable to operate)
饮水机滴水(Water dispenser dripping)
汽车充电器无法充电(Car charger unable to charge)
音箱无法连接蓝牙(Speaker unable to connect via Bluetooth)
咖啡机出水慢(Coffee machine water flow is slow)
蓝牙音箱无法充电(Bluetooth speaker unable to charge)
空气净化器滤芯问题(Air purifier filter issues)
风扇转动不畅(Fan rotation is not smooth)
网络摄像头无法连接(Network camera unable to connect)
电动车电池续航短(Electric scooter has short battery life)
电动剃须刀刀网磨损(Electric shaver foil is worn out)
电动牙刷刷头松动(Electric toothbrush head is loose)
音响无法调节音量(Audio system unable to adjust volume)
按摩椅按摩强度不均匀(Massage chair massage intensity is uneven)
空调遥控器失灵(Air conditioner remote control malfunctioning)
电风扇风力不足(Electric fan airflow is insufficient)
扫地机器人无法充电(Robotic vacuum cleaner unable to charge)
喷墨打印机印刷模糊(Inkjet printer prints blurry)
空气净化器噪音过大(Air purifier has excessive noise)
洗碗机噪音异常(Dishwasher has abnormal noise)
豆浆机无法启动(Soy milk maker unable to start)
空调出风口位置不准确(Air conditioner air outlet position is incorrect)
微波炉按钮失灵(Microwave buttons not working)
电磁炉加热不均匀(Induction cooker heating unevenly)
电视机遥控器信号不稳定(TV remote control signal instability)
音箱蓝牙连接断断续续(Speaker Bluetooth connection is intermittent)

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